FT-IR Spectrometer WQF530A

High sensitivity and stability
Intelligent real-time monitoring of instrument status
Multiple communication
Flexible and convenient testing
Powerful software workstation
Interferometer Cube-corner Michelson interferometer
Beam splitter Multilayer Ge coated KBr
Detector High sensitivity pyroelectric module (standard) Temperature stabilized module, MCT detector (optional)
IR Source High intensity, long lifetime, air-cooled IR source
Wavenumber Range 7800cm-1~350cm-1
Resolution 0.85 cm-1
Signal to noise ratio Better than 20,000:1 (RMS value, at 2100cm-1 ~ 2000cm-1 or 2100cm-1 ~ 2200cm-1, resolution: 4cm-1, detector: pyroelectric, 1 minute data collection)
Wavenumber Accuracy ±0.01 cm-1
Scanning Speed Microprocessor control, different scanning speed selectable.
Software MainFTOS Suite software workstation, compatible to all version Windows OS Various specialized functional software modules (optional)
Communication Ethernet interface & WIFI wireless communication
Data Output Standard data format, report generation and output
Status Diagnosis Power on self-check, real-time temperature and humidity monitoring and reminders
Certification FDA 21 CFR Part11 compliance,IQ/OQ/PQ (Optional)