Simple Full Body CRP Manikin BIX/CPR100D 64*34*21

  • Simple Full Body CRP Manikin BIX/CPR100D 64*34*21
Simple Full Body CRP Manikin BIX/CPR100D 64*34*21

​Execution Criteria: American Heart Association (AHA) 2015 nternational Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)& Cardiovascular Emergency (ECC)New Guidelines Standard.

1.2015 (new standard): first C chest compression -+ A open airway一B artficial respiration operation process.

2.Operation cycle: first effective chest compresson 30 times andthen effective2 times manuall blowing. 30:2 five cyce cycle CPRoperationc

3.Operating frequency: the latest international standards: at least100 times / minute:

4.Simulate standard airway opening.

5.Simulate chest compressions in artificial hands.

6.Correct compression strength (5-6 cm areal, error (<5-6 cm <area).Artificial mouth-to-mouth breathing (blowing): The amountof tidal air blown in is <500m-1000ml<

7.Press to artifcial breath ratio: 30:2

8.Mode af operation: training operations.

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